Saturday, February 7, 2009

Warning: Strings Attached

Guest Commentary by Davis Carman

President Obama has called for a salary cap on top executives that accept large amounts of future government bailout money. Many will give a silent cheer that Wall Street executives and CEO's of major financial and government institutions will be limited to $500,000 per year. After all, isn't that plenty to live well?

You may ask, how could this possibly apply to home education? The lesson for us is that there are strings attached to government money. The companies and organizations that accept government money will now be required to allow others to make inside decisions. These decisions will range from payroll and advertising expenses all the way to travel, entertainment, and product development. The reaction is one devoid of power. That is, those once in charge now have big brother looking over their should and saying "yea" and "nay" as though Santa were checking his list.

As a homeschool organization with one of our missions being to protect the right to homeschool, let us watch these events closely and be reminded that we never want the government to dictate how we should homeschool our children. If we ever attach ourselves to the state (and there will be more temptations in the future) be forewarned that we will lose control. It may be limitations on the type of curriculum we can use, but it will be something.

Therefore, let us now walk as the wise, redeeming the times, for the days are evil. (Eph. 5:15-16)

Davis Carman is owner of Apologia Educational Ministries and Administrative Vice President of North Carolinians for Home Education.

1 comment:

Merit Kirkpatrick said...

Great Commentary - thanks for the reminder.