Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Southern Baptists Weigh In On Homeschool Divorce Case

Raleigh's NBC-17 reported on Tuesday that the Southern Baptist Convention had called for direct political action to oppose Judge Ned Mangum's ruling in the Mill divorce case.

On Wednesday, though, the SBC's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, which often takes stands on current events, published an editorial by commission president Dr. Richard Land, calling for a different response:
Please pray for this mother and those who are trying to help her overcome this judge’s ruling. Remember this family that is being torn apart by divorce. The final order in this divorce case has not been written. Please pray for our nation’s leaders and policy makers that they would value and protect families, in general, and parental rights, in particular.

Land says that "It is not the judge's business to make sure these children have a 'well rounded education'" and that the decision "is an example of what happens when judges run amuck, and it is reflective of a growing assault on parental rights in this country."

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